And the winner is....
Sweater: Winners
Skirt: Thrifted (its actually a floor length skirt but I am wearing it as a dress here)
Tights: Zellers (but darned by me!)
Belt: I think it came with a shirt I bought a long time ago...
Necklace: Either borrowed from my mother or my grandmother and never returned...
I noticed that I've never posted pictures of me in my glasses on this blog. So, um surprise? My long distance vision isn't very good so I have to wear glasses if I want to see things clearly. I tend not to wear them outside class because I find them annoying to wear. And besides, the world is prettier if it's a little blurry :D Close up of my new hair cut. What do you think? It looks quite short when it is curled but it is a lot longer when straight.
The skirt I an wearing is dead simple to make. Here's a quick how-to:
Step 1) Measure your waist (or where you want the skirt to sit). Measure out at least twice that length of fabric.
Step 2) Sew the two short sides of the fabric, right sides together.
Step 3) Fold over one of the long sides to make a waistband (wrong sides together). Sew almost all the way around leaving an inch long opening.
Step 4) Cut a piece of elastic so that it is slightly smaller than your waist measurement. Thread this through the waistband.
Step 5) Sew the two ends of the elastic together making sure it isn't twisted. Sew the small opening closed. Now just fold over the bottom and sew a hem (or if you buy fabric that already has a finished hem, like I did, you are all finished!).
One last thing, don't forget to enter my first giveaway! Details in the previous post :)
The two other days of the long weekend was spend with family (I love family trips to the coffee shop. Mmmm Chai Lattes.....). One of the best parts of being home is being surrounded by my favourite treasures. Most of my favourite things stay at home when I am at school (in order to prevent them being damaged in transit) and I really do miss them.
My Teacups!
Northern Electric Telephone Circa 1940
(Still works!)
One of the many sewing projects I will finish... someday...
I love this teapot! It belonged to my great-grandmother. It was up at the cottage but I rescued it from certain destruction last time I was up.
Some really old books I've found at used books sales (the newest one is from 1911!). The lovely bookends were a wedding present to my grandma when she got married in the 1940s. They look very art deco!
And now for the giveaway! To celebrate reaching 50 followers, I am giving away:
1) A green and silver necklace (I used to make and sell jewelery at craft-sales. I no longer have time but I have lots of leftover necklaces!)
2) Disk 1 of Philip Marlowe radio broadcasts (from otrcat.com)
3) A little knitted bow attached to a hair clip, knitted by me :)
This giveaway is open to all my followers. Just leave me a comment telling me what you would like to see more of on my blog :) For an extra entry you can post about my giveaway on your blog and just let me know you have done so. Last day to enter is Friday October 22nd. Good luck!
One last thing, I just wanted to thank Sara for also giving me this award. See the previous post for the blogs I nominated :)That's All.
I've gotten very ambitious and am trying to knit this skirt in a charcoal grey. At the current rate of progress I suspect it will be done around 2019.
That's All.