Hello everyone! I've been stuck in bed with a nasty cold for the last couple weeks, but I'm finally on the mend. I haven't posted any Youtube videos because, with my cold, I was not a pretty sight! My normal video schedule should resume this week (tip of the week on Monday, and longer tutorial on Thursday). I also bought my first autofocus lens for my DSLR, so expect lots of outfit photos and just random photos of anything vintage-y I want to share. And yes, I've had the camera for 8 years and have been manually focusing the whole time (or opting to use my cheap point and shoot instead). I feel kind of silly for not buying a proper lens earlier....
I've been super busy catching up with everything I fell behind on while I was sick. I did take today off though, and went for my annual shopping trip to Toronto with Britt. I bought a cute vintage coat, a vintage style cloche, and Britt bought me a couple awesome vintage garments for Christmas. I can't wait until I can share them! For now, here was my outfit for the trip:
The dress is from a 1930's pattern, and both the blouse and dress were constructed from vintage fabric. I paired it with my new grey glass pearls, and Alfred, my faux fur stole I made a few years ago (if you look close, you can see his little face!).
I actually changed my footwear to a comfy pair of boots and added a coat before we left. It was much too cold to go without (it snowed today!), and even comfy flats are not good for a lot of walking.
Britt and I on the train |
We started the day with coffee, just outside of Union station:
Of course we needed another by mid afternoon!
As I mentioned, I've been busy this week catching up on all the things I couldn't do when I was sick. This includes working on a lot of new clothing for the shop. I been making a ton of organza snowflake scarves for winter, and working on developing some more clothing designs.
I've also been testing out my "new" 1920's hair clips. Aren't they awesome!? I used them to do my hair today for the trip, and the results looked great and lasted all day. I bought these clips cheap because they were damaged, bent out of shape, and rusted. A little steel wool, pair of pliers, and 30 minutes and I had them back to near original condition! I love the look these give. It's a perfectly authentic 1920's wave and super easy to do. There is also no need to worry about heat damage (unlike marcel waving with a curling iron). I plan on posting a Youtube video showing how they work, but for now here is a quick snap taken first thing in the morning (after sleeping with them in all night):

I have a busy couple weeks coming up. I'm planning on filling my shop with a ton on new clothing, as well as preparing merchandise for my booth local Christmas Market (anything that isn't sold will then also be available on my Etsy!). I'm also going to be filming a bunch of youtube videos, so next time I get sick there will be a nice little buffer of videos I can continue to roll out! Also the room makeover continues. My studio space is almost done, but I'm moving some of my stuff into my bedroom (and vice versa), which has turned into a mini bedroom makeover as well! Yikes! I better get working on all those things!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
That's All.