Sunday, May 29, 2016

Summer Already?

Opps, I have been a very bad blogger lately. I do have a good excuse though! We have been property hunting and almost bought a house. It didn't end up happening (due to concerns with some of the mechanicals of the house), but I have been away quite a bit lately as a result. 

Things should settle down for a bit after the last few stressful weeks. Time to relax! I am enjoying the lead-up to my birthday (mid-June), and am scouring Etsy for possible birthday gifts. I'm on a tight budget at the moment, so my birthday is a welcome excuse to do some online shopping. Due to a possible mold allergy I have stopped collecting antique books, magazine, postcards, etc, and switched my focus to antique hair devices. I just adore vintage hair styling and am hoping to add at least a piece or two to my collection. 

At the moment it's too hot to do much of anything, including complicated hair styling. This morning, I had one curl from a Victorian-style curler experiment, which I simply pinned back and added a beret to cover the rest. I paired it with t-shirt and 1930's style skirt for a casual Sunday afternoon look. It was too hot for necklaces, so I opted for a simple pair of earrings as my only other accessory. When did it become summer? Even the air conditioning is having a hard time keeping up in this heatwave. 

 Despite my lack of blogging, I have still been fairly regular posting Youtube videos (that's a switch!). Here are a couple of my recent favourites from my channel:

I have plans to launch a series of vintage perfume tutorials after having so much fun filming this one (at about 2 am which I why I look so tired!):

I have so many videos planned and am looking forward to filming a few of them over the next couple weeks. I wish I had a bit better equipment, but I am still very much enjoying the process of creating videos. My videos take a lot of time to make (often including hours of research), but I love making something which I hope is at least somewhat educational. I'm working on a really great hair pomade recipe at the moment, so stay tuned for that!

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

That's All.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Forest Friends

My best friend, Britt, is home for two weeks! Yay! You may remember she used to be my model for my Etsy shop, and her and I used to hang out quite a lot. She moved to the other side of the country at the beginning of this year, which made us both very sad. However she is back for a little holiday and we are making the most of her short time here. 

We realized we don't have many good photos of the two of us together, so we remedied this by a photoshoot in the woods. Of course we couldn't just do a "normal" shoot. We played around with a few themes, and finally decided on a forest spirit/witch theme. It gave me a chance to play around with some special effects and made the afternoon a lot of fun. I won't share all the final photos here as there are too many, but here are a few of my favourites:


I love the mix of "proper", fun, silly, and slightly spooky shots we ended up with. We still have a few days together before she returns out west and we plan to make the most of it. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

That's All.