Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bing, Bob and Judy
Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Judy Garland all together, whats not to love? (Note: Judy's voice doesn't sound the best in this one but I think most of that is due to the fact she is trying not to laugh)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Latest embroidery projects
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Where's the Maple Syrup?

(A picture from one of the stories in the magazine)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Help, I'm drowning!

One of the reasons my collection has been able to grow to the size it has, is the fact I never pay more than $15 for a book (normally I pay around $5 or less). So here are some of my tips for book shopping.
Note: There are many great places to buy books online but I didn't include anything about online shopping here since I think flipping through and feeling (and smelling) the book is part of the book buying experience. Does anyone else just love the smell of old books?
1) Know what you are looking for. When shopping used books stores it helps to have a game plan. Used books stores often have a lot of stock poorly displayed, so it helps if you know what you are looking for. I always check for my favourite authors first before aimlessly wandering. I also keep a list of books I want to read and always look for them when visiting used bookstores.
2) Check out the sale tables in chain bookstores. I don't buy many books from Chapters but when I do, they are almost always from the discount tables/sections. It is best to keep an open mind when looking here and not look for specific titles (since when you are looking for something specific it always seems to be full price...). I have gotten some amazing deals on completely stunning coffee table books.
3) Thrift stores often have a very cheap book section. Books are actually one of the few things I buy at the thrift stores around me anymore, since they are the only items at a reasonable price. Carefully check condition before buying since often the ones that end up here are not always in the best shape.
4) Look for books in unexpected places. I often find the best deals when I am least expecting them. Winner/Homesense stores tend to have some lovely books for cheap prices. They are best for coffee table books and cookbooks.
5) Books always make lovely gifts. As I mentioned, I always keep a list of books I want. This means when someone asks what I want for a birthday or Christmas I already have ideas and don’t have to try and come up with something on the spot.
It is hard to judge a book by its cover so take a chance on a lonely book and give it a home. Ok, it's a little sad how much I love my books but a girls got to have a hobby right?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Swan Lake

The ballet also gave me a chance to wear the dress my grandma gave me. I always thought that she didn't have any old clothes left so I never bothered asking, but we were talking about vintage (which she is shocked to learn I love) and she said she still had a few dresses! I got two from the 70's (but one looks almost 1920's in style), this lovely green dress from the 50's, and she is also giving me a pair of lounge pajamas after she has them cleaned (she thinks maybe 70's but after looking at the label I would suspect earlier than that).
This green dress is my absolute favourite. It is in fairly good condition but the fabric is quite delicate and starting to wear in a few places. I have it carefully wrapped in tissue paper at the moment but I need to come up with another excuse to wear it! (Sorry the picture is a little blurry but my mother has no idea how to use my camera).

Speaking of swans, I never realised I had such a thing for them when I was younger. I mean, my favourite song was Swan Lake, my favourite movie was The Swan Princess, and my favourite poem was (and still is) The Silver Swan. You think I would have figured out the common theme before now...
"The silver swan, who living had no note,
When death approach'd, unlock'd her silent throat;
Leaning her breast against the reedy shore,
Thus sung her first and last, and sung no more.
Farewell, all joys; O Death, come close mine eyes;
More geese than swans now live, more fools than wise."
-The Silver Swan by Orlando Gibbons
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Jealousy will get you nowhere...
The pictures above are from the website for the hotel, Charles Inn.
"Built shortly after the War of 1812, this grand Georgian-style inn, with sweeping verandas and stately gardens, takes you back to a simpler time, nicely overlaid with modern amenities."
They had a lovely time but I wish they would have taken me with them :'(
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stocking Storage?
While browsing at the mall (I am not a big fan of malls but it was raining and I couldn't get anywhere else by bus), I happened to come across a black lace garter belt, peaking out among the pantyhose at Winners. I picked it up and to my surprise it was marked down to $5! I still wasn't sure but after walking around the mall for an hour I still couldn't get it out of my mind. I bought it, then realized I had no stockings to wear with it (my purchases always seem so smart at the time....). I went back to the pantyhose section but no stockings!
The only other place that I could think of to check was the Bay. And to my surprise they had a whole (small) section of stockings! What surprised me even more is that they were only $4 each! I normally pay at least double, if not triple, that price for the same quality of pantyhose. Plus if one stocking gets a run in it, you only have to throw out one, so it is even cheaper in the long run.
But what about comfort? I actually find they are much more comfortable than pantyhose. There also isn't that horrible line you get along your stomach, you know the whole "sausage casing" look. I am a total convert. Now I just have one problem. How do you store stockings? I tried googling it but with no avail. How do you ladies store your stockings? Any suggestions?

(Picture of stocking ad I bought a while ago. I tried googling some more images but I couldn't find anything decent. There is way too much porn on the Internet.)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Perfect Farm Dress
I love this dress. It is the 1940's green gingham dress I mentioned about a week ago. I didn't think it was going to fit when I bought it (I had planned on altering it) but it fits perfectly! The dress would be the perfect farm dress. It is quite sturdy and has such a country look to it. I can't wait until the warmer weather when I can wear it out, perhaps to an afternoon picnic in the park...

Another recent purchase is this lovely beret. I had been eying it all season, and it finally went on sale. I got it for $8! (It took a lot of work though. Every few weeks I went to the store and would have to hide it behind all the other hats. Then when I went back it was always moved to the front and I would move it to the back again. I realize that someone would have likely bought that hat at full price if it wasn't for me, but it was from Zellers and I have no guilt about cheating them out of a few dollars.) I think it was the bow on the front that caught my interest. It makes it seem prettier or more special some how. Oh and it is 100% wool so it should keep my head warm :)

Hat: Zellers
Vest and skirt: Smart Set
Shirt: Costa Blanca
Friday, March 12, 2010
Lets have a party!

Image from :
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Poetry makes everything better
I was going to bake cookies but then realized I didn't have all the equipment I needed (basically I was missing some electric mixers. I doubt I would be able to cream butter and sugar by hand...) so that didn't work out. So what's a stressed girl to do when she can't get baked goods? Watch RA fan videos of course!
RA=Richard Armitage in case you were wondering. He is by far my favourite living actor. Not only is he amazingly talented and intensely good-looking, but he actually seems like a really nice guy. He is one of the few modern actors who I think can be referred to as a gentleman (which is sad isn't it?). I needed more than just a pretty face so I listened to some of his poetry readings. I posted "Nightwatch for England" below for your listening pleasure. It was written in 1942 by Edward Shanks. It made me feel a little better...
And PS I still haven't received my dress :'(
Monday, March 8, 2010
In the meantime...
Friday, March 5, 2010
I'm late! I'm late!!!

Antique Brass Pocket Watch Necklace- Timekeeper Series $9.90
Cute and simple, not to mention at a very affordable price.
Ancient. Vintage Style Pocket Watch Necklace in Black. $10.50
I just thought this one was so pretty and an amazing deal at only a little over $10!!!
Victorian Antique Black Nickel Pocket Watch Necklace with Pearl Sting $25
Ok this one I am completely in love with. I love the contrast of the more masculine watch with the delicate pearls. This would make a lovely birthday present (hint hint).
Max Factor - Exquisite Portrait Cameo Pocket Watch Compact Pendant Necklace $48
Technically not a watch but way too cute not to include on this list.
A Victorian Love Story- 1889 Pocket Watch Inscribed on Christmas Day Works Perfectly $250
Drool. I'm in love. This one in my favourite but the only way I could afford it would be if I sold a kidney. You don't really need both kidney's right?
What's the time Alice.... Alice in Wonderland Pocket Watch Necklace $25
And last but not least, a watch that really ties in with the Alice in Wonderland theme. Completely adorable.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hello March!
After class, I headed over to the Waterloo Park with my lunch (a very yummy falafel pita) and sat by the lake quietly munching. For such a beautiful day, there weren't many people about, which was nice since it made everything seem so calm and still.
When I had finished my pita, I carefully walked along the end of the pond to my favourite spot. There is a little bridge there, tucked out of the way and surrounded by trees and bushes. I just stood there for a long time, watching two ducks swimming together.
It's times like those when I wish I had my camera, a sketchbook, a notebook, anything, in order to try and capture that moment forever. Everything was so perfectly calm and tranquil. After a while my hands were starting to get quite cold so I carefully trudged back to the main path.
The photo above was actually taken a couple years ago at a different park but it reminded me of today.
On a completely unrelated note, look what I just bought :)

It's from