For daily wear I have some seamless stockings I buy at the Bay for $4 or less. I suppose I could always draw seams on with eyeliner like some ladies did in WW2, but I would worry about getting eyeliner on my dress! Instead I have come up with a simple method to create the look of seamed stockings.
1) Do a trial pair! Buy a cheap pair of pantyhose at the dollar store (or use an old pair of stockings) to practise on. It is very likely there will be some areas on your machine that will snag the fabric. Make note of these areas.
3) Turn your stockings inside out and iron a crease where you would like your line to be. Use the coolest setting on your iron so you don't melt the material.
4) Set your machine to the zig-zag stitch. I used a width of about 2.5 and a length of 2.
5) Start sewing along your crease, starting from the top of the stocking. You should be so close to the edge of the material that on part of the zig-zag the needle is no longer touching the material. Do this very carefully and very slowly. If you don't sew your seams straight they will never be straight when you wear them!
6) End the seam about an inch before the toes. Cut off any excess thread and turn right side out. Tada! You now have your very own pair of seamed stockings!
This is how my pair turned out:
That's All.