I've inadvertently been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog. I thought I would be able to blog over Christmas, but in the end gift deadlines took priority. I made a crazy amount of gifts this year! Here is just a small sampling of some of the gifts I had been busy making.
I bought a wood burner, and used it to create a bunch of gifts including this jewelry box for Britt, |
Handmade lotions and potions |
Homegrown Tea (packaged into tea bags) |
What my sewing table looked like! |
Garden Markers (made with my burner and some free paint sticks) |
(back side of garden markers) |
Wood burned bookmarks |
Wood burned spoons |
(back of Acorn spoon) |
My first piece of pyrography (given to my Grandmother) |
Hand-knit gloves for Britt! |
Hat and scarf set for my mom |
And that's not everything! I made a bunch more gifts, but I won't bore you with photos of everything.
We visited my mom's side of the family on Christmas. I took the opportunity to wear this great hat I purchased a few weeks ago. I made a long Edwardian inspired skirt to go along with it,
Something else that has been keeping me very busy:
Yes, I adopted a kitty! Her name is Aggie (short for Agatha Christie), and she is a total sweetheart.
I adopted her from a local shelter, but am admittedly disappointed with the experience, She was supposed to be around 1 year old, but when I took her to the vet he surmised she was closer to 10 years old. She is also missing all but 3 of her teeth (which was not mentioned in the medical record provided by the shelter). I was rather saddened to realize I will about around 8 or 9 less years than I thought with her. However, she is otherwise healthy and super energetic. We are hoping her hard life has contributed to her teeth loss, and to be honest she seems to be closer to 6 or 7 years old just based on exuberance. I will strive to give her the best life possible, regardless of how long she may be around.
Well, I suppose that's it for now!
Happy New Year Everyone!