Hello everyone! I'm back with another outfit post. I've been making more of an effort to get dressed up on the few occasions I'm outside. I've been dealing with a bit of a cfs/me flare-up, so lately most of my time has been spent inside the house (at least I have some fun new pajamas to wear!). When I do get out for a bit, I'm trying to make the most of it! For Sunday coffee, I decided to go with a late 1910's / early 1920's look. This is the kind of vintage look that I feel doesn't look particularly "vintage" despite the fact that the sweater was knit from a 1918 pattern. The skirt was made-by-me, and I paired it with my faithful ol' boots and beret.
"It's so cold out here! Can I go inside yet?!" |
And here is the inspiration for my outfit:
Tehehe. It always amuses me to edit myself into the catalog pages to see how well I would fit. My hat really should have been pulled down over my forehead instead of pushed back, but overall I think I did ok!
In other news, my Etsy shop was featured on the wonderful blog "The Pretty and the Kitsch" a couple months back and I just realized I completely forgot to link to the post here. I did a full interview about my shop, sewing, my sources of inspiration, etc. You can check out the post
here but I would recommend also checking out the rest of Emily's wonderful blog while you are there! If you are plus size, she recently did a
great roundup of vintage sewing and fashion resources (including my shop!).
Speaking on my shop, expect a big update/overhaul in about a month or two. I was hoping to get a bunch of new listings up last month, but health-wise I haven't been the best. My wonderful friend Britt has offered to come over and help with my inventory/reorganization, which has to be done before I can work on sewing, which is so generous of her. With her help, I should be able to get everything back on track and finally get some new listings up! I have some new evening gown designs I want to try but I'm also planning on focusing more on lounge-wear. I wear a lot of lounge-wear at the moment and would love to be able to offer more vintage-inspired pieces for people like me who can't always dress-to-the-nines!

My YouTube channel was also recently was featured on Karolina Żebrowska's video "30+ Vintage Youtubers You Should Watch". I was so thrilled to be featured and it was great finding a few new channels to add to my subscription list (although I'm already terribly behind on my YouTube viewing!). I was going to embed the video here, but she listed even more in the description so I've just linked it
here so you can get the full list.
I hope everyone is having a great week!
That's All.