This is one of two posts which is long over due. Way back in November I won a contest over at
The Vintage Lesbian Project (Her blog is fantastic by the way, so go check it out!)
One of the conditions of the contest was that the winner was to blog about the prizes. Due to Canada Post being very very VERY slow, I didn't receive the package until right before xmas. So now here is my long overdue post about the lovely prizes I won.
The first thing was this beautiful ring. Most rings don't fit me (like I said before, I have man hands...) but this one does fit nicely on my little finger. It is quite beautiful and I love having another ring to wear!

The next item is this super adorable hat (modelled here by my Styrofoam head since I am still too ill to have photos taken of me). It actually suits me surprisingly well and is very warm. It will be perfect for going for a walk in the cold Canadian winter (although I suppose it doesn't get all that cold where I live...)
Next comes this lovely 1940s/1950s little black purse. I love little purses. They are highly impractical during the day, but for a night out they are simply a necessity. This one is exceptionally lovely and I am using it as soon as I feel well enough for a girls night out!
Last but not least is this copy of Blackie's Girls' Annual. No date in it but from the look of the illustrations it appears late 20s/early 30s. I love all the pictures and, although I have yet to read any of the stories, I love all the short poems throughout the book. I will definitely be scanning some of the illustrations later on.

So thank you again to Cheri! It was a lovely early Christmas gift :)
In other news, I am still sick. It is really no fun at all. When I was uploading the pictures for this post I realised there was some from around Christmas time I forgot to post. So since I haven't worn anything but pajamas for the last few days, this will have to do for an outfit post. There isn't any good photos of my hair, but it honestly looked like Gilda hair (best hair day of my life!). I just wish I could have better captured that moment on camera...

(Dress: 1970's dress from Etsy, Belt: gift from my grandma)
That's All.