One last thing, I just want to give a big thank you to LandGirl1980 for giving me a blog award :) When I have more time, I will try to think of some more bloggers to pass this onto, but for now thank you very much!
One last thing, I just want to give a big thank you to LandGirl1980 for giving me a blog award :) When I have more time, I will try to think of some more bloggers to pass this onto, but for now thank you very much!
Top: Elsa's (She owned a great little store in my home town but it retired now)
Wool Pants: Winners
Flower: Made by Me
Lipstick: Ruby Woo by MAC (I love this colour!)
It is getting closer and closer to Christmas everyday! I am getting quite excited and have already started making some new decorations. I have a lot more on my "to-make" list but that requires a trip to the craft store. I am still in the process of making some of these, so this is just a little sneak peak. Martha Stewart's website really does have the best Christmas craft ideas. Most of the above crafts were based on tutorials from there.
On the sidebar of my blog, you may notice I have started a poll. I would love if you could take a second and vote on what type of posts you like to see here. Just leave me a comment if you have any other suggestions. I write this blog because I enjoy doing so, but it is nice to know what people want to see more of :)
That's All.
Only problem? I am terrified to actually wear any. I started to try on one pair and discovered it has several runs in it that I made a 100 times worse. I feel so guilty! After a bit of research, I discovered I am supposed to soak them before wearing.
Do you ladies wear vintage stockings? I haven't yet decided what to do with them. Two pairs have runs but the rest seems in decent condition. I would hate to ruin them but it seems a shame to not wear them :S
This pair is my favourite, seamed with painted flowers.
I have posted this picture before but this is my dream suit. The longer skirt likely wouldn't suit me (hehehe pun) but isn't it lovely?
And then I see a pretty dress like this and all thoughts of practicality fly out the window... I want a pretty evening gown for Christmas :DThat's All.