And one last thing, I would just like to wish Britt (my favourite model and one of my closest friends) a very happy birthday. Sorry I forgot what day it was today... (I feel so guilty but I honestly thought it was the 28th!)
3) Push the head pin through the hole with the flat end on the inside of the acorn top.4) Grasp the pin about 5mm above the top of the acorn with the round nose pliers. Pull the pin around the pliers to form a loop.
5) Cut off the excess pin, and use your needle nose pliers to fix the loop so it is fully closed.
6) Apply a small dot of hot glue to the top of the acorn nut and reattach the acorn top and bottom. They should fit snuggly together. Let the glue dry for a minute or two.
7) Get your earring hooks and open the bottom loop (sideways so as not to change the shape of the loop). Slip the acorns onto the hooks and close the loop (once again pliers are required for this). If you wanted to turn this into a pendant, instead of earring hooks, attach a jump ring using the same method.
And Tada! All finished!
Don't they look great? I wore mine today to the T.O. Clothing Show. (Sorry no proper pictures of my outfit but no one can figure out my camera! I had to resort to webcam photos.)
This is the view from the door: 3 "bookcases" on the left, desk on the right, bed in front of the window (also on the right side), vanity at foot of bed, closest on same wall as door.
My Bed! I decided to give my new bedding a try after I learned my walls would be yellow this term. I managed to find some vintage pillow cases that match my comforter cover exactly!
Bedside table.
And this is my desk where I do all my studying. Not my favourite desk, but all my furniture has to be able to come apart for transport (and storage for the terms I am at home). I am not done "staging" my desk yet, but this gives you the basic idea.
Vintage Alarm Clock on one of my textbooks.
My closet. Dresses on the left :D
Close-up of one of the shelves on my bookcases (from the first picture). I love these hat boxes I got from Ikea!
Mr Owl sits proudly on my bookcase. He was my "going back to Waterloo" gift from my Grandmother.
Since I don't have a dresser this term my bookcases store a variety of things (such as my jewellery and hair accessories).
Close-up of my vanity. I will be doing a post later about making your own vanity (cheaply!), so stay tuned.
PB approves of his new home.
That's All.
I want something with a vintage theme to it, but just dressing like I am from another decade seems too easy. I dress like that normally!The only three ideas I even half like so far are:
1) Rosie the Riveter
- Blue button up shirt with cuffs rolled up, hair curled and pinned up under a red and white scarf (I have the perfect one!), red lipstick, and either a pair of high waisted trousers or overalls 2) Rita Hayworth as Gilda
-black evening gown (I have one that is similar to her's but not strapless), hair down and curled, long black gloves, some form of simple but sparkly necklace 3) Julia Ogden/ Victorian Lady (for people who don't watch Murdoch Mysteries)
-black skirt, button-up blouse (buttoned all the way up), grey vest, a tie, hair either pinned up or in a long braid, Victorian-style boots, and a straw derby (if I can find one for a decent price)
Which one do you like best? And I am open to suggestions if anyone has any other ideas :)